Betty & Miller Story

Liz and Louise met back in 2004 amid nappies and sleepless nights, sharing numerous cups of tea with Jenny Gibbons (owner of Fruits of Suffolk) at Coddenham Toddler group.

As the years flew by, the sleepless nights were replaced with regular “get togethers” and the tea was replaced with something stronger!  The ladies realised they had other common interests, in areas such as cooking and running.

Both bitten by the running bug, Liz and Louise started running regularly together and trained for the London Marathon in 2009, 2015 & 2016. It was during the endless hours training that the nicknames BETTY & MILLER were used many times in vain!

In 2009 Louise started The Suffolk Pate Company. In 2014 her business moved from home to a new unit next to Fruits of Suffolk in Crowfield.

Liz joined Fruits of Suffolk in 2013. In 2017 Jenny Gibbons decided to retire which gave Liz and Louise the opportunity to join forces and purchase Fruits of Suffolk, merging it with The Suffolk Pate Company as BETTY & MILLER LTD born 1st April 2017.

During the summer of 2019, the decision was made to update the name Fruits of Suffolk to the Preserves of Suffolk.